
Insights on website and document language translation demand in 2020

4 October 2020

Along with their usual demand for Simplified Chinese (for Mainland China) Blue South are currently finding an increased demand for South American Spanish. This seems to be a new market that their exporting clients are targeting.

The European languages (French, German, Italian, etc) still play a key role but are not what they would call the largest market.

They are of course, still translating Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai and Vietnamese for schools (although not this year!) and they seem to be adding South American Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese to their list of languages.

Blue South expect the schools to ramp up translations once the borders open, to win back the students they have missed this year.

Based in New Zealand, Blue South translate into any language using professionally trained native speaking translators based in the country of the target language. On top of translations, they also provide foreign language typesetting services. This means they can deliver print ready PDF’s in any language, which can certainly be useful for those tricky scripts such as Thai and Arabic. They also work directly with Adobe InDesign files.

With the software they use to process files they are able to re-use previous translations which saves our clients time and money and helps with consistency of terminology, particularly for large technical manuals. This can also be applied to updates of marketing brochures and, in fact, to any document that requires regular updating.

In need of translation services, contact
Phone: 0508 287 267
Mobile: 027 430 9815


Georgina Cunningham

Georgina Cunningham

Creative Director